Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • Libra
    09-13 08:39 PM
    Milind you rock......thanks for efforts.

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  • ksefiane
    09-12 03:10 PM
    I have contacted newsrooms in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Charlottesville, Richmond, Danville, Blacksburg, and the New River Valley.



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  • ivgoodluck
    09-13 08:07 PM
    I made my first time $100 contribution

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    Thank you IV for all your efforts. Keep up the good work.


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  • gc78
    07-15 01:18 PM
    Just sent $25 via BoA - Conf#7YF49-5GB9R

    Total contribution to date - $225


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  • swadeshi
    08-10 11:14 PM
    As per the tracking no. given by my lawyer, my app also received at 7.55 AM on July 2nd, signed by R.Williams , but my check not cashed yet, no receipts yet, what a mess....

    I know a friend whose application was recieved at 10:45 AM on July 2nd at NSC, he got the receipt number in July III week, our application was received at 8:26 AM on july 2nd, nothing till date, checks haven't been updates!!

    So dunno how they are picking the applications, anyways there is good news that they are working on the July 2nd applications, and more & more of us are receiving the receipts numbers.:)

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  • shekhar10c
    07-06 11:30 AM
    I think u r right. We shouldn't think abt our future in this country and nor abt the people who were in backlog as we r the one's who suffered the most.Y we have to suffer because of mis-communication between DOS n USCIS.If they will be taking our reaction in negative way let them. If they want to revive CIR(Legal immigration-point system) , let them do. If they do, the same as British did , let them. Let see our present, don't worry about future.If they think to throw us back to our home country ,the right they have , let them do. But i just want to say is that- if they made an inquiry over this issue,not only they'll hold all backlog cases that r approved now but also they will stop issuing new visa numbers till this is resolved-result -delaying the process more. It will definetely take time. The thing is atleast backlog is cleared now, so the process will move smoothly.But anyway lets fight for injustice done to us.Lets don't wait for oct opening.We want now!!!
    For last 2 weeks of June , we worked hard and delivered our application on 2nd july. Lets Do IT GUYS!!!!!:)


    My brothers in blood, please calm down� Mahatma Gandhi had his own way of fighting for freedom and so did Subhash Chandra Bose. They must have agreed and disagreed with each other on many things. But at the end of day, their motive was the same �Justice and Freedom�.

    We might have our differences, our opinions and ways of doing things, but we need to understand that our motive is the same. We should stop bickering with each other and concentrate on the main goal. We should keep encouraging our members to join hands and unite and fight for the cause.

    Though you might not agree with each other, you still need to see how severely the issue must have affected the other person which is why they are here and ready to fight.

    Please pull your swords to fight the injustice rather than fight with each other.



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  • makemygc
    08-12 01:28 PM
    Srikondo man,

    I dont care your fight with 'buddyinus' or your friendship with 'frankzulu' and whether you were travelling by air/car/ship - I would like to ask you a SIMPLE question.

    You started this thread saying that USCIS has a "deadline" for completing stuffs last Monday or last last Friday.... All of us trusted you that time - Could you please give us a responsible answer or status Update.

    I hope you will reply this time.


    I guess forum is all about sharing information that we gather from different sources. No body can assert anything not even USCIS. They open up the gate for all July filer, then closed it and then re-open it again when many protested. So, when someone shared the news that USCIS is not going to accept the july filings, everyone mocked him but that came out to be true.

    Forum is all about sharing information. It depends on our judgement as how much we want to believe on that. Srikondji shared some information which he learned from the CRs, now it's up to you if you want to blindly follow that or use that information as a way to curb your anxiety.

    People started cursing logiclife when he posted about the FAQ4 to be released by friday and it didn't. But it did came after 2-3 days. So someone who shared that info with Core might have just said we are trying our best to come up with FAQ4 and will release it by Friday and core shared that info with everyone. But that doesn't mean that people should take that info as if it doesn't come on Friday, it will be the end of the world and core should loose his credibility. FAQ4 did came after couple of days and all those people who were cursing logiclife were no where to be seen.

    If you put up a clause that no-one should share the info, unless you have a word from God, I guess we'll not have more than 2 or 3 threads here.

    So guys..bottom line is stop fighting over what someone said or not, concentrate on what you are doing about it.

    As someone rightly said, "Listen to all but do what you think is right". There is similar adage in hindi but I'm not using hindi so that everyone can understand it.

    Hope you understand.

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  • deepimpact
    08-23 09:29 AM
    deepimpact, shame on you to think like this. This is just one more of example of how ignorant the immigrant community is about the ground realities of these law changes in the employment-based immigration rules which includes H1B, L1s, EB apps etc.

    1. The neufield memo of Employer-employee relationship & giving not 3 years of H1B visas but in some cases depending on the contract 3 months of H1B visas.
    2. The fee hikes of H1B & L1 visas.
    3. Make EB1, EB2 etc more strict to make it almost impossible to get anymore EB2 apps approved. BTW there is nothing which stops them from issuing another memo to review all EB2/EB3 I-140 approval and revise the approvals & deny them if deemed necessary. What would you say then?

    You completely missed the point. Put the events in chronological order and you will realize why IV Core insists on meeting lawmakers. Pretty soon, there will be no avenues even with a lot of legitimate experience for an immigrant unless they end up winning nobel prizes....sorry there are not many nobel prize winners in this world and I have not met one so far.

    Anyway, hope others continue to meet the lawmakers leaving your EB2-EB3 divide to ask them for recapture and removal of country limits.


    I aplogize if I hurt someone. But don't shoot the messenger, I was trying to enumerate the possible impacts of the memo. And looking at current changes to employment based immigration policies be it about H1B,L1 or EB it appears they are trying to clamp down on rather lose interpretation of minimum requirements for these visa categories which has led to overuse and abuse of them.for e.g H1B going to lottery on the very first day in 2008.
    But it seems these specifications are about EB1 and EB2 with exceptional ability (not with advance degree category) where the requriements is just a list of 10 items without any emphasis on what is defined as a succesful crietria of meeting those items.

    I guess you may have got pissed off with my third point , believe me I am not one here to create EB2-EB3 divide. Because no change in legislation is going to be for a particular EB category, it needs to be for the entire EB. Be it visa recapture, per country limit removal or dependants not being counted.


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  • villamonte6100
    03-31 02:58 PM
    Dude, easy, take care of your heart, you might get a heartattack.

    They have processed millions of applications and GCs already.

    I am as frustrated as you are, but I am sure they have a system and management in place. Call it crappy or not.

    Their objective is to provide service to the customers, we are their customers, we are giving them exorbitent amount of money as fees. I don't know of any other Organization/Company who provides as crappy service as they do, what would you call their management then ???

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  • paskal
    08-13 03:53 PM

    I just logged in thinking that by Monday, we July 2nd filers wud be getting receipts. But after flipping the pages back on this forum, I saw that the Monday was indeed the previous one. This is indeed misleading. After seeing the ongoing tussle between buddyinus and Srikondo, I realised Buddyinus is right. Whats wrong in whatever he's saying??? The purpose of this thread is to discuss about the so called Monday's receipts. But since that Monday is gone, looks like u r fighting over nothing. How dare u warn anybody on this thread. I am with Buddyinus on this. He may be a junior but u dont have any rights to warn him. Beware.

    first: indulging in a completely useless dicussion
    this is your prerogative but this forum really does have a purpose and a well defined goal. it behoves those who use it to be aligned with the goals of the organization, not completely obsessed with a receipt that is at best a tiny way station in a long journey.

    second and this needs undivided attention- and rereading as many times as needed: personal attacks, offensive language and divisive fueds are against the policy of this forum. if you have a problem with this, read the posting guidelines. make sure you understand them completely.

    third: junior and senior is nothing but a representation of the number of posts from a member. if the posts are nothing but self obsessed rantings, then senior is just a word that means nothing. posts can be approved or disapproved by members using the tools above. this results in green or red squares in front of a members name. that may be a better representation of other members opinions than just the number of posts.

    fourth: those who live in glass houses do not a lot of things frankly. you cannot complain about other's language or content if yours fails to meet the same criteria. i urge you to be civil in your tone and choose your words carefully. we are here to be a one united community working to end retrogression. not to rave and rant about each other, take or make sides, threaten (with what?), or endlessly obsses about dates and notices.
    please by all means track your progress and give and take information.
    but do it with some decorum.

    many on this thread need to read this post carefully. please keep this forum a civil place and let's behave like the highly skilled immigrants we claim to be.
    please direct your energy to more useful directions, volunteer, contribute and join the rally in DC on 9/18. join your state chapters. complete your profile on iv- what's the point of so much smoke and fire when you want to hide from everyone- your profile is not public, but iv needs you. you and i are iv. there is no iv but us. if you believe there is some nebulous entity that will magically solve your problems without your lifting a finger, well that's usually the stuff of dreams- and maybe your GC will arrive tonight with your beauty sleep...


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  • makemygc
    07-06 01:04 PM
    He is trying to spin a news and get a answer of his comfort. Guyz never stop :)

    Or may be he is in some mental shock and need know what.

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  • gk_2000
    08-23 10:12 PM
    Send your recommendations to USCIS/DOL and your certification about bsc and bcom. Also enlighten us with your larger perspective of how this multinational executive making 32K per annum adding more jobs/potential to the economy.

    I have nothing to recommend to them as things are fine as they are. And there will be no recommendation coming from me to close any door at all, whether it be for EB2 or anyone else.
    You can go ahead and recommend against EB3 BSc BCom losers, as it is your business

    To shut down a program because of a few mis-users : I am sure you WONT agree to extend this logic to your precious EB2 application when someone points out how someone else misused it


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  • Libra
    07-06 05:17 PM
    All -ve thinking and -ve posts guys one more victim is waiting for your stinking comments go ahead and enjoy by discouraging others

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  • mmanurker
    09-26 11:00 AM
    This is the worst DMV in NJ... You may be better off going to Jersey City, Princeton or anywhere else.

    Princeton/Trenton are also worst...FYI...My DL already expired on 9th Sept.
    I went to Trenton with original receipt and employer letter but still they refused to renew my license.
    My attorney forgot to upgrade my H1 application to premium process and then started to defend himself by saying that he did not get any approval from my employer and at the same time he never told me that he did not get my employer authorization till Sept 11th where as I asked him to upgrade to premium sometime in last week of July'07. So from July to Sept'11th he kept making excuses one after another but never mentioned that he needs an employer authorization.Thats how these attorneys work and screw our lives....


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  • gc_on_demand
    04-30 03:34 PM
    If this is the case right now.. Think about House and Senate.. Will they pass it easily ? Eventually they will say next year we dont have time for immi stuff this year..

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  • addsf345
    11-17 02:23 PM
    One of IV members 'lazycis' (he is a knowledgable & senior member) also mentioned this, which exactly matches with what RG said:

    so I am sure there are some provisions. I hope 'lazycis' will provide some more info if he sees this post.

    Edit: Chandu - please click this link to read on RG's forums. (

    Pardon my ignorance, but is this something we can ask clarification from CIS Ombudsman? Its real confusing:confused:

    Some updates: I talked to two different lawyers and both advised differently on this issue. In fact I got the impression that one of them didn't have much clue as much as some experienced IV members have. (He said if job titles are different than you have issues...) There are many people hanging on to their current employer due to confusion on this issue and potential effect on pending GC.

    and the great question continues to haunt: can a person keep working legally on EAD status if his/hers I-485 gets revoked in error by CIS? or he will be forced to resign from a new job when his MTR is being filed or in progress??? This is really killing me. Who has the answer? if anyone knows, please please share!

    lazycis, chanduv - anyone to comment on above new information???


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  • 9years
    10-21 01:54 PM
    Hi All,

    My EB2 I-140 Approved in 2 days (Premium Processing).

    Service Center: Texas
    Application Received Date: 10/12/2010
    Application Approved Date: 10/14/2010

    This is just to share with all of you.

    Thank you.

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  • conundrum
    04-30 04:06 PM
    In fact there should be a mandatory GreenCard 101 to cleared at least with a grade 'B' or better for anyone to be on the immigration committee :D

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  • indio0617
    03-09 11:02 AM
    Still talking on asylum....

    12-28 02:55 PM

    05-13 09:45 AM
    2 more days. Please call. those who have not please help.

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