Sunday, June 19, 2011

ronaldo real madrid

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  • nareshg
    10-09 12:56 AM
    Was there a similar thread started by pappu ?

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  • Real Madrid#39;s Cristiano

    09-01 03:28 PM
    Landed here on jan 1st, 1998 (F1)
    Survived 2 recessions
    No hope as labour filled in eb3

    Dude you need to get serious about this. It will take you 21 years if the system does not change. Upgrade to EB2.

    ronaldo real madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid

  • americandesi
    11-29 02:00 PM
    Can anyone outline the advantages/disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship vs. LLC for a single individual who plans to provide website designing/development services for companies in/outside US?

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  • The Number 9 of Real Madrid is

  • kumhyd2
    07-13 03:00 PM
    guys! who have those documents/letters being sent can you have a scanned copy of these documents/letters so that others can just download them and attach them with their email instead of cut copy paste and format. May be the administrators can have file/document section some where on the site so that people can grab the documents and send out to whoever they want to


    ronaldo real madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid

  • indio0617
    01-11 02:25 PM
    1 point we should make to the lawmakers is to make an administraive change to give 3 years extensions and abolish 1 year extensions. As 1 year extensions are not suffecient a very solid case can be presented for that case.
    1) Driver license, lit of state doesn't give DLs if you have less than 1 year left on Visa
    2) H1B Extension is taking 4-6 months
    3) No Visa stamping in U.S.
    The problem are just too many we need a proper channel to raise our voice to them

    Also we need to ask for some accountability and transparency in the Backlog processing. All of us (victims) with LCs in the backlog centers have been reduced to foolish gamblers trying to figure out what is happening with our applications.

    ronaldo real madrid. number nine of Real Madrid
  • number nine of Real Madrid

  • singhsa3
    09-12 01:50 PM
    These are all good thoughts but what u are suggesting takes some time.
    The issue has two legs:
    Leg 1: Process fix
    Leg 2: Increasing number of greencards

    What I am talking about is leg 1 and what you are talking about is for leg 2
    and both are required.

    Sanjeev - I personally feel there is no easy solution for this. Our efforts must be well organized and there has to be geniune effort. A lot of people who post here are all frustrated and angered and they channelize their anger and frustration through these forums whereas instead if it is channelized in a positive way - our campaigns will be more effective and we can reach our goals.


    ronaldo real madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid

  • inskrish
    09-28 09:32 PM
    More than willing as! You know what to do, ei and don't give me can interview me but soon after give me GC....

    LOL. :) If I am a volunteer as an IO, I would get the names of all IV members, write a small script to approve their GCs, make sure the cards are delivered to the members, and immediately resign my job. :D


    2010 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid ronaldo real madrid. Shamrock Rovers v Real Madrid
  • Shamrock Rovers v Real Madrid

  • sunny1000
    06-02 03:07 PM
    Also wanted to point out that the "dual intent" provision of the H1-B will be removed by this new CIR bill which will make matters worse for the people with I-485 pending as those applications can be rejected based on that.:(

    More bad news for the legals


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  • Foto Christian Ronaldo Real

  • rp0lol
    06-21 01:10 PM
    another 100$ from IL
    PayPal Receipt ID: 70125366SU56XXXXX

    GO IV!!!!

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  • Buy real madrid ronaldo,

  • NKR
    01-05 11:28 PM
    Ok then, why did you come to America to study at Duke? Why did you spend all this money? The reason our people invest crores of rupees in American education is that it is better.

    You people seem to be too nationalistic. Even with the comments about quotas. Affiirmative action with 52% of all seats being reserved based on caste? You call this fair?

    Yes, it is fair, this fairness has come after many centuries of oppression, in fact this fairness was long overdue.
    Now if we want to disagree with each other we can do it by sending private messages instead of indulging in mudslinging and degrading India even more.

    �I can tell you for a fact that Universities in America are much better than those in India. This is why I came here �.� Now whom are you trying to fool?.. You came here because with your IQ you could not get into top universities in India. �I went to an average university here which I could afford� .You are telling us that you could not afford education in India but you could here?...


    ronaldo real madrid. his Real Madrid teammates
  • his Real Madrid teammates

  • andy007
    07-05 07:39 PM
    Hi Folks-
    We (5 People) work for IBM company, SFO, today we went personally to the congress men and we submit the letter which is provided in this forum and after that we called state senator office and we explained about our problem. We faxed and email the letter to the senator office, staff had taken my contact details and they told me that they will inform the solution in 2days.

    Perfect .. everybody should know how we are suffering .. since monday.. this is not fair at alll for legal Immigrants.......... We will hear good news soon from USCIS/DOS People............

    hot Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid ronaldo real madrid. Ronaldo reveals Madrid pride
  • Ronaldo reveals Madrid pride

  • loudobbs
    07-18 04:10 PM
    The first point on the august visa bulletin says:

    Allocations were made, to the extent possible under the numerical limitations, for the demand received by July 13th in the chronological order of the reported priority dates.

    If the demand could not be satisfied within the statutory or regulatory limits, the category or foreign state in which demand was excessive was deemed oversubscribed.

    does this means a visa was allocated to all applications received by jun 13??


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  • Ronaldo plays down Real

  • quizzer
    08-20 05:11 PM
    My wife's DL renewal is pending for more than 2 months...When we contacted DMV they said its pending clearance from DHS (homeland security) and it could take take 120+ days to get their approval.

    Has anybody encountered this recently?


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  • Video Real Madrid Vs Villareal

  • AllVNeedGcPc
    03-22 09:42 PM
    ... I thought all 485s from our times were already pre-adjudicated by now.

    I wonder what is needed now? Has anyone experienced RFE at this juncture? What should I be expecting ?

    @piliriver: 140 approved last month, PD Oct-2004


    pictures Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid ronaldo real madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid

  • p_kumar
    07-20 03:28 PM
    I thought if we dont get the EAD after 90 days, we can walk into the US Embassy in the city nearer to us and get the EAD on the spot(more like a driver's license).:eek:

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  • Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid

    07-25 07:56 AM
    We applied in Nebraska in August 2003, Cleared in State on August 29th 2003, Transferred to Chicago DOL on Sept 1st 2003..Got Certfied on Oct 16th 2003...So some states Labor was VERY Quick.


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  • raydhan
    03-08 10:13 AM
    Here's the link for the live hearing of the Judiciary Committee

    Click on room Dirksen 226 and let everyone know what you hear. Not all have access to internet from work


    This is the right link. It is very clear today. Interesting discussion.

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  • Ronaldo At The Real Madrid

  • GC_Ven
    03-02 11:37 AM
    If anyone can post an update that would be great.

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  • in Real Madrid is back

  • funny
    09-11 04:40 PM
    Thats the only thing hadn't happened so far......and now we have it...People are blaming IV now...I hope this is not true.

    09-09 10:15 AM
    [quote] to add to the conversation on the price -> locals are also experiencing a glut of money due to the economic boom in the last 5 years or so. Small businesses have really taken off in a big way exporting to Europe/ US. Investors in the stock market have also hit the jackpot. And, once you have money, for most Indians the safest option to invest is in property or gold.

    Also better salaries all around fueled by attrition of talent to the IT sector. [quote]

    This may be correct to certain extent but only the elite class and creamy layer of 1.8% of total population. When we look at the bigger picture of the country, I could not connect the dots. GDP is just above $2500 and PPP is about $3300. How in the world will you justify $200,000 to $300,000. Plus the cost of financing the purchase.

    In simple terms, median home price is 100 times the GDP and life expectancy in india is 70 years. average work life span is 40 years. Home Mortgages are 15, 20 or 25 years in India which will cover only 1/4th of the median price of a home based on even anticipated high GDP growth and considering moderate increase in cost of living. Given that the risk of default is huge and banks are running at very high risk. I believe buying a house is a big gamble in India and more to that for Banks, lending is also a big gamble.

    Note that according to banks, investment in apartments capitalize only over 25 years in india. (Rent vs. Own) Is this correct? Average rentals in ONLY Big cities are Rs. 12000 ($275 / month $3300 a year) to 15000 ($340 / month $4000 a year) for the same 1000 sqft 2 bedroom apartments which itself is above the GDP :). What that tells me, even the rentals are also not affordable to majority of the population. Back to captalization part 4000 * 25 = 100,000. which is half of the investment... add the alternate investment value for 25 years, capitalization will be way below 50%.
    That means it will take more than 50 years to capatilize the investment. This is more that Mod average work life span of 40 years. Note that Maintenance and Taxes for 25 years excluded in above calc. Are banks stupid?

    I do not know what to tell ya man! To me its really scary

    A small credit crunch (crisis is not required) might bring the entire economy to floor.

    fine print: (Above analysis applies only for working taxpaying people like us who does not have unaccounted money.)

    12-10 03:55 PM
    Yes the bulletin is pretty detailed. Explaining logic behind per country limit and movement of cutoff dates. Certainly a first in a Visa Bulletin.

    Needless to say, CIR with provisions to address this backlog is the only hope for both i REITERATE - BOTH EB2 as well as EB3... divisiveness will certainly lead to failure or atleast a never ending wait for some of us....


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