Monday, June 20, 2011

japan earthquake 2011 damage

images of japan earthquake 2011. japan earthquake 2011 damage. March 11, 2011. Japanese
  • March 11, 2011. Japanese

  • amitga
    07-06 12:37 PM
    We just need 20,000 active members to make a change, which is approx 10% of the total number of GC apps pending. At the most 2000 people are active.

    If somebody can being in 20,000 active members to this forum, the change will happen.

    wallpaper March 11, 2011. Japanese japan earthquake 2011 damage. Earthquake and Tsunami damage,
  • Earthquake and Tsunami damage,

  • blackberry
    07-05 03:03 PM
    Sent email to GA senators.


    japan earthquake 2011 damage. Bulgaria: Japan Shaken by 2nd
  • Bulgaria: Japan Shaken by 2nd

  • ArunAntonio
    01-03 03:33 PM

    2011 Earthquake and Tsunami damage, japan earthquake 2011 damage. earthquakes in japan 2011.
  • earthquakes in japan 2011.

  • virald
    10-01 05:20 PM
    Let us wait for the statement from USCIS

    Which statement are you talking about? Was there any intimation from USCIS that a statement will be released?:confused:


    japan earthquake 2011 damage. earthquake struck Japan on
  • earthquake struck Japan on

  • swo
    07-20 06:47 PM
    thats one way to look at it. The other way to see this is that:

    - given enough people making noise its possible to get DOS/USCIS to make changes and fix things. this has now been proven.

    -there is a lot more visibility for EB related issues now, so much better chance of recapture or exemption for spouses from VB calculations etc.

    - instead of focus being on filing 485 without visa numbers (which is what IV focussed on for a while) everyone will now focus right at the root of the problem. All 500K are now focussed on solving the main issue.

    My friend, there is validity in what you say. I think there is a general shortage of visas, period. That is the root of the issue. However, we did know that going in. So when we get stuck in that situation we have to remember to distinguish between calling for change and demanding it.

    Also, with all due respect to IV, I think the thing that most likely led to the USCIS turnaround was not our voices, but rather the fact that a law suit would have revealed SERIOUS rule breaking - particularly with regard to issuing of visas to non-security cleared people. I think the USCIS's fear of dealing with a) discovery during court proceedings and b) potentially huge finanicial damages, were the main motivating factors to the turnaround.

    There is no doubt though, that the voices of immigrants did make a difference.

    By the way, this morning I wrote to both Senators Cornyn (for) and Clinton (against) in response to their amendment votes yesterday. I thanked him from trying to bring relief and urged her to show more bravery in solving the crisis at a future opportunity. I urge you all to do the same.

    japan earthquake 2011 damage. A strong earthquake of
  • A strong earthquake of

  • skv
    08-12 04:29 PM
    Hi Lonedesi,

    Thank you for your response. Are you saying that we can take a chance by just sending the letter which includes details such as A#, receipt numbers etc; without completed DHS Form 7001. This sounds to be good plan, where employer is not supporting. However., the only catch is, if employer knows about this later, it doesn't look good.

    Please correct me , if I'm wrong about understanding yout statement.

    Thanks again!


    japan earthquake 2011 damage. Story Updated: Mar 15, 2011 at
  • Story Updated: Mar 15, 2011 at

  • xyzgc
    02-08 01:50 PM
    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.

    When you hear incidents like this, its always like "girls are too much". On the contrary, when we hear of wives being beaten up by "educated husbands" boys are too much. This is all silly really.
    I have heard some indian females complaining all the time how males tend to dominate everywhere its not really true. In a relationship, anyone could be a dominant partner - male or female. Dominance also means responsibility and taking initiative. So its not all that bad. And it is certainly not a male prerogative!!

    Your case is a clear case of "external interference". Divorce is not a solution to cases like these. Its not like you are not getting along. You relationship is spoiled due to unwanted interference. Convince your wife that you and her always come first. You cannot make your parents happy at the cost of displeasing her and also the other way round.

    Stop trying to diplomatic and stop being a family-pleaser. If you don't like something, say it clear and upfront rather than pussy footing around it. I found that diplomacy does not work at all. It only sends wrong signals and eventually you end up putting a firm foot down, anyways.

    Get rid of the elders from your life. It means don't allow parents/siblings from either sides to interfere at all in any decision making. Get the inputs but make it clear its a joint decision made by husband-wife and they have no say in it. Don't allow your parents/in-laws to stay with you more than bare minimum necessary for the new-born.
    If it means making some career sacrifices, so be it. Its your baby and you need to take care of it finally.

    Retrospect - analyze what has gone wrong. Today, you find your wife is all wrong and you are all right but when you do the retrospect you'll find its not like that, in fact its never like that. Humans make mistakes and we must accept that.

    Stop sending money to parents and in-laws, if its possible. Otherwise, maintain parity by sending money in small amounts to both parents. Its stupid to say my wife is not working so she has no business to send money to her parents. Its so wrong and I'm surprised folks can think like this. Marriage is about sharing and even a child will tell you that. If the in-laws are any sensible they won't accept gifts from the son-in-law but its for them to decide.And stop receiving any gifts from either sides.

    If you are in the US, don't go to your home country unless its an absolute must. I found that every time I go there family and relatives end up giving tons of unsolicited advice. The intentions are good but I have to keep saying no (diplomacy doesn't work at all) and that gets very annoying eventually.

    Finally, if you have a career oriented working wife there are advantages to it. Its better to work instead of being a hopeless housewife.
    Yes, it also means you can't take things for granted but that's no reason you should end up with a sweet, traditional house wife who'll no longer be that way when hopelessness sets in.

    2010 Bulgaria: Japan Shaken by 2nd japan earthquake 2011 damage. of japan earthquake 2011.
  • of japan earthquake 2011.

  • srinivas_o
    07-14 04:23 PM
    Paid $25 through BOA Bill Pay. Confirmation number is 7YBDK-56XWW.


    japan earthquake 2011 damage. damage japan earthquake,
  • damage japan earthquake,

  • asanghi
    04-30 02:33 PM
    Can somebody post the link please?

    hair earthquakes in japan 2011. japan earthquake 2011 damage. Japan, on March 11, 2011.
  • Japan, on March 11, 2011.

  • alterego
    01-08 10:01 PM
    The only harsh thing he said was that Indian education was awful. Everything else he said was extremely positive especially when he talked about the amazing progress India is making. I think he said that because he was saying that India is racing ahead and Indians are very successful entrepreneurs. (I am not sure).

    I clicked on the link section under the video and found the slides that go with this. I have no idea what this website is or what NGA is, but here is where you can download the slides --

    He has many interesting slides on immigration and seems to be fighting for our cause.

    So if you want to get nationalistic and get upset over silly things go ahead!!!

    I wish I could go to Duke University or Harvard. I could not get admission or afford it if I did.

    If you are objective, can you argue that much of the 350K engineers graduated in India are not up to par. No offense to the graduates, however the schools are often just not up to par. Much of this graduation is private for profit colleges, frequently owned by a few investors or families.

    US Engineering colleges are much better accredited in my view.

    That said however, India being a much larger country (population wise) there are probably more than 70K good quality engineering grads. coming out of India annually.


    japan earthquake 2011 damage. Damage from Japan#39;s recent
  • Damage from Japan#39;s recent

  • indyanguy
    11-11 09:42 PM
    so If I don't work parttime but I want to start a LLC to hire some people and want to maintain my H1.........Is it possible ??????????

    Anyone can open a company even while you are on a H1 (you don't need EAD for it). But, you can't work for it. Technically, signing a check or opening a bank account is considered to be "work".

    hot earthquake struck Japan on japan earthquake 2011 damage. A man looks at the damage
  • A man looks at the damage

  • akhilmahajan
    09-14 08:31 AM
    ya Milind- I did contribute.

    Danny, put the transaction details on there. Like the time and the transaction number.


    house 2011 shows damage visible japan earthquake 2011 damage. Japan disaster sparks social
  • Japan disaster sparks social

  • trueguy
    08-04 05:14 PM
    IV is you me and everybody else. We saw since morning how people are trying to scuttle the idea by giving various and weird reasonings. What is important is writing them. And telling them the gravity and urgency of the situations. words like bonded should be bolded as the truth is 'Yes' in this free American Society we have lived a 'bonded' life...

    mirage, I am not trying to turn down this effort. In Fact, I have sent at least 50 letters as part of IV campaigns and I have written so many on my own. All I was saying that we need a professional letter that will have better impact. Once we have the letter ready, I will be the first one to send it out.

    tattoo A strong earthquake of japan earthquake 2011 damage. Japan quake Damage
  • Japan quake Damage

  • badluck
    07-24 03:56 PM
    Since it is absolutely impossible with EB3 Sep 2006 PD I thought he might have applied in a different category..Do not know the specifics of EB5...Incase what you said is true whatever that guy said is just a JOKE!

    After all sardarji can make a joke:D


    pictures Story Updated: Mar 15, 2011 at japan earthquake 2011 damage. Japan Earthquake Pictures amp;
  • Japan Earthquake Pictures amp;

  • swissgear
    08-24 12:00 AM
    Context is everything

    And people here are scolding and ranting against the program, not "loophole". But why even fight against the so-called loopholes? Don't we have anything better to do? Visa recapture is a much more worthy goal

    And BTW, a 30k salary doesn't matter for executives. Jerry Yang works for $1 a year, so does it mean he is not eligible? And what about the executives working for free for a noble cause? Not everyone is money-minded, and they may choose their goals and priorities

    GK, All I can say about your disconnected arguments are one thing. Myself and Nathan are talking about fairness about the system and on how corporates exploit the loophole thereby exploiting the hardworking individuals like you and me. We never here scolded and ranted about the program and as a matter of fact we are having issues with the so called "LoopHole" But your arguments are going in a completely different direction. You can re-read all of our posts again and see where we mentioned anything about ranting against the program.

    And BTW FYI, I never worked for TCS. And to let you know, I did my Masters in Soft Engg from BITS and Bachelors in Technology. When I say I got paid 65k for the kind of service I did to the company(5 yrs ago) , itself says a lot of things on how companies exploit which has no relation to the number of yrs of experience and qualifications.

    All that matters for those companies is whether client is made happy or not, irrespective of what you undergo. FYI I worked company starting with W (top 3 IT companies in India at that time) .

    Let me explain you how this works.....Exactly as to how it happened in my case.

    First you are given ransom salary offer say 30-40% more that what you might be earning and an immediate on-site offer within 12 months of joining the company. You feel pretty happy with all of those initially.

    Later they send you onsite as promised on L1 by making you wait for 1 yr, (even when they can sponsor you H1) so person would be eligible on L1. Things will look good until now.

    While sending you to onsite, no one will let you know what kind of salary you would be paid. Things will start to get interesting from the moment you land in US.
    You are paid just a week of hotel stay(extended stay) and 1 week car rental(only if you have valid DL). You have to beg / borrow for a ride or take public commute if available.

    After 2 days of settling you will be given a salary letter stating that your salary is 50k with a bonus of 5k.
    This is the catch. The companies feel that sending a guy on site itself is a big deal. Logically you think that person earning more at offshore than the other person will also get paid more. Its not the case, everyone at onsite are paid the same, irrespective of what their salary is are offshore(only 2 salary ranges exist).And there is no offshore component, and the pathetic thing about it is, you are paid basic salary at offshore deducting from your onsite salary.

    Also, just so you know, and onsite person playing a manager role is just an additional responsibility and not a dedicated role. So this is on top of your regular technical role.

    And now comes your GC step. After you spend 5 yrs onsite, since you have to leave back after 6 yrs, the company will file in EB1-A and thereby getting your GC. After you get your GC, you are already out of touch from the rest of the world except from your daily offshore/onsite issues and so on and you would not be able to know as to what exactly you can do with your GC. All that happens is you will not be fit to work anywhere except the place you were working at. This has happened to many of my colleagues. I was lucky enough to get out of that chaos after my 1 yr at onsite. All I can say is I'm very much happy now with GC filed in EB2 and making much more that what I used to ...

    BTW your comment on someone working for $1 or 30k is for their own noble cause and you cannot expect everyone to have that.
    And coming to a conclusion about someone who you do not know about is uncalled for...

    dresses A man looks at the damage japan earthquake 2011 damage. A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has
  • A magnitude 7.9 earthquake has

  • desi485
    11-20 04:47 PM
    Which means that EAD is much safer than H1b. Then why are Attorneys insisting on the opposite (H1b against EAD?)

    If this is confirmed news, i will revisit my blog and make changes

    If you really think then there is a 'conflict of interest' between an applicant and an attorney. If you looks at this way, attorneys do get paid for filling of H1B extensions. isn't it? I do not say that attorneys are bad and do this on purpose, but think about all possibilities. It really depends on individual. Thoughts? :(


    makeup damage japan earthquake, japan earthquake 2011 damage. 2011 shows damage visible
  • 2011 shows damage visible

  • Chiwere
    08-20 04:45 PM
    USCIS_COMPLAINT is an inactive email account should be reported to the Ombudsman as well.

    As for management,following are responsible for NSC:-

    Director: Gerard Heinauer

    Deputy Director: Gregory W. Christian

    girlfriend Japan quake Damage japan earthquake 2011 damage. Devastation in Japan
  • Devastation in Japan

  • never_giveup
    08-14 10:45 AM
    I have been reading your suggestions about visiting DC and/or organizing flower campaign. They are good suggestions and I really liked the flower campaign when it was first done in 2007. But I think, repeating it and sending bunches of flowers to the offices of senators would not influence them as much.

    Instead I think, if we can all send some donations to a charity which each of these senators is associated to, it would help the charities and might also influence the senators/congressman more. This will also serve as a reminder about the positive contributions of the immigrant community to this country.

    I would welcome suggestions from other experienced members on how this can be implemented. But my initial thoughts are, we identify the senators/congressman(woman) we want to contact, select a local charity, or a charity to which these people are associated with, and send in checks of 5 or 10 dollars per person to each of these charities.
    Even if each of us is willing to contribute $100, we might be able to reach 10-20 of these lawmakers. And there is nothing we are losing here even if the lawmaker turns a blind eye to our cause. The money will be used for charity and so it serves some purpose.

    And along with the donations, we can request them to support the Visa Recapture Bill, which will help all of us.

    And my EB2 friends, we need your help also, as you never know how these dates can change in the coming months. Nothing is done and over untill you get the physical card. Dont mean to dampen your spirits, but you and I know what the truth is.

    Let me know if there are any takers for this.

    hairstyles Damage from Japan#39;s recent japan earthquake 2011 damage. quake caused quot;major damage
  • quake caused quot;major damage

  • django.stone
    03-09 08:24 PM
    Just donated $25 for IV and FOIA. Thanks everybody for the initiative and support.

    03-17 09:19 PM
    I got a mail from IRS Today mentioning the eligibility criteria for Stimulus package. Only Primary person who filed Tax Return(may be single or jointly)
    is eligible to get refund of $600 for single and $1200 if file jointly. Dependant cannot claim the package.

    For each child additional $300.

    02-11 01:24 AM
    yes, my previous reply to your post was a bit sarcastic. Didnt mean to offend anyone!
    Using your same token, can we say "there are many idiots here who don't know what parenting is and use their parents to get a life for themselves and then ditch them?"

    Dude, straitjacketing doesn't work and as you said, it is totally based on circumstances. :)

    Yeah right . You dont mean to offend by being sarcastic. Why are you in US? Go take care of your old parents in India? More than your money they need your physical presence there.

    Oh wait, you probably have a brother who did not study much or maybe a sister in India who is taking care of them and you only provide monetory support.

    And yes, I dont care if this offends you.

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