Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • bkam
    04-25 08:35 PM
    Learning01 has stollen the idea ! :-)

    I have already expressed my intention to sue the US government for the money I have put for so many years in the SS and Medicare funds when I leave the country. There will be always a greedy American lawyer (only one ?! :-) ready to get this done for one third of the prey. And I will still get back two thirds of my money. Much better than nothing.

    And imagine that a bunch of "mirage chasers" like me unite and make it a class-suit, and everybody around the world who has been legally here and paid his taxes hears that and asks for his/her money back... The tick-skin-fat-ass politicians and government officials will suddenly become very nice, considered and cooperative (now they are just nice), the PBEC would miraculously clear the backlog within 6 months, the retrogression will disappear etc, etc.

    Well, most probably all this will never happen but you never know, the snowball may start rolling... They are too many frustrated people in this mess...

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  • EndlessWait
    07-06 02:05 PM
    My man,

    Thats why you dont want this rumor to come true... ask your lawyer to sent it ASAP..

    dude..i'm a straight guy..go find some other man....

    and as much as i would like this rumour to come true (will create another lawsuit from 80% people who haven't filed).. i still wont give in...

    finally..even if the lawsuit is would take years to settle by that time i hope and pray everyone gets to file..

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  • CaliHoneB
    07-24 01:56 PM
    Pardon my intrusion here! I searched various forums but I couldn't get any solid threads on visa number because it is so common term the search always yields wrong threads! so can some one tell me..what is a visa number after filing 485? is it same a A # ? or is there another number besides A#? Do we see it on 485 reciept? if not how do I find out? I

    They have preassigned Visa numbers to cases that were pending in USCIS(NOT the ones filed in JUNE)...even though the PD was not current according to June Visa Bulletein... Eg: COnsider your approval and mine..We filed for 485 in 2004.. These cases are preadjudicated and just waiting for Visa number to become avilable..Once the july bulletein came into effect(or according to rumor even before) they assigned visa numbers to all pre approved cases that were pending...AGAIN USCIS DID NOT ASSIGN VISA NUMBERS TO CASES FILED IN JUNE

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  • ramus
    07-18 02:19 PM
    Lets keep working on this thread... We had 5000 new members joined IV.. Now we know what IV can do and is capable of doing.

    Now IV has delivered and its our time to deliver.

    Lets keep this thread alive...

    Everybody do 2 important things.

    1) Make recurring contributiong.
    2) Ask other to do it now.

    Thank you all.


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  • sanju_dba
    09-08 10:45 AM
    Came here in july 1997
    filed LC in 2003 thinking it would be useful to stay on H1 as long as possible!! and the rest is on my profile..

    I wonder if anybody thinks it makes sense to create a law which simply says after 15 (or some X years) of legal presence in the US you will be given a GC no matter the back ground! In that way we know exactly where the deadline is irrespective of some government agency's whim.
    to make it more arbitrable, how about if one completes the 40 tax credits and is clean of criminal records.

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  • sanju
    03-12 11:30 AM

    I have a suggestion! I don't think forcing monthly $25 contribution to keep donor status alive is a very good idea, especially in current economy. Take an example of myself. It is decided that I am going to loose job on 17th March, may not be able to contribute every month.



    Donor forum concept is the only workable model. I request you to not stop this model.

    ItIsNotFunny has done very good work to help us all. I would like to double my monthly contribution and contribute on behalf of ItIsNotFunny if that is ok with ItIsNotFunny and you, till the time ItIsNotFunny starts at a new job or till I have a job, whichever is sooner.



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  • scottsmith
    09-15 01:08 PM
    GCTest, there is a saying about you in Hindi "Kuttee Kee Dumm 12 Saall Pipe Mee Daal Kee Rakhoo Too Bhee Seedhee Nahee Hootee"
    saale bhikari... can you even spell "moron"

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  • vdlrao
    07-11 11:41 AM
    I can understand the excitement. I am also in EB2 2005 PD. But the fact is that, this seems like a temporary movement only...i don't think dates can stay at 2006, going by simple math.

    PPl can give me those red marks, but i think dates will retrogress again by Oct.

    Nope I dont agree. Even though theres any retrogression it would be very mild.


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  • ronhira
    07-06 02:00 AM
    Change of what? 30 mins lunch to 3 hour lunch ???

    will that not qualify for a change? change we can believe in? at least this is better than bawa

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  • vareddy
    07-18 10:00 PM
    Joined in July and did one time contribution of $100 today with google checkout :) Google Order #975779329660977


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  • EkAurAaya
    04-30 02:58 PM
    King says

    tens of thousands applicants who will eventually get their GC applications get denied are getting free ride on EAD/AP.

    I didnt get this... did he mean GC applications that eventually get denied are getting a free ride because of EAD/AP?

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  • peacock
    09-14 11:18 AM
    Sent more email's this morning about the rally to a no of news papers,radio and TV stations including
    Washington Business Journal
    Washington City Paper
    Washington Post
    Washington Times
    Washington Diplomat
    C-SPAN Radio
    National Public Radio (NPR)
    Radio America
    Voice of America
    Public Interest
    Fox News Channel
    Financial Times
    New York Observer
    New York Times Syndicate
    NBC News
    Financial Times
    Air America Radio
    Newsweek ON AIR
    Beaver Press
    Blue Mountain Panorama
    Box Elder News Journal
    Deseret Morning News
    Eagle Sentinel
    WRC (NBC-4)
    WTTG (Fox 5)
    WUSA (CBS-9)
    Pacifica Radio
    ADA News & Notes
    American Enterprise
    American Prospect
    American Spectator
    Accuracy In Media

    Also sent email's to this list of reporters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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  • arihant
    03-13 12:26 PM
    Here is a link to the following article:

    Looks like they have not come to the immigration issues yet.

    Senate panel votes to double size of border force
    By Michael Posner, CongressDaily

    The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to add more border agents, investigators and fencing to stem rising illegal immigration as it worked its way through a major immigration reform bill.

    In its third day of marking up the bill, the committee discussed nearly 30 amendments, approving a dozen of them by voice vote and postponing the rest for action next week.

    In action during the day, the committee agreed to authorize over five years more than 10,000 new customs and border patrol agents, 1,000 investigators, and 1,250 port of entry inspectors. There was a dispute between Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., principal author of the amendment to boost the number of border agents, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., over exactly how many border patrol agents would be added in addition to the 11,300 border agents now. Committee staff said they would have to resolve the exact numbers later.

    In addition, the committee adopted also by voice an amendment by Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., to replace some existing fencing in Arizona and add more than 200 miles of barriers to improve border security in Arizona only. Sessions has said he planned to offer an amendment on the Senate floor to put up some 700 miles of fencing to block off some of the 2,000 miles of U.S. border with Mexico. The committee also agreed to an amendment by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., for a study to study the feasibility of more fencing along the entire border.

    The committee made more progress than it did Wednesday when only three relatively minor amendments were adopted after spending all day with many senators absent, preventing a voting quorum.

    "We're on our way," said Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., Thursday. "We had a good session." Specter is trying to meet a target set by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., to start debate on an immigration bill on March 27. Specter indicated yesterday it might not meet that goal because of the slow pace of deciding on amendments.

    The committee is working its way through a 306-page draft proposed by Specter to beef up enforcement and deal with the estimated 11 million illegal aliens living in the United States by allowing qualified undocumented workers to continue working as a way to earn eventual citizenship. He also has proposed a separate guest worker program allowing foreigners to enter the country for up to six years to take jobs that cannot be filled.

    Both provisions are highly controversial and are considered the heart of the bill but debate on those matters will not take place until next week at the earliest. The committee plans to work next Wednesday and Thursday on immigration.

    The House passed a bill last year that deals mainly with enforcement and does not address the thorny guest worker issue.

    In other amendments, the committee agreed to a Feinstein amendment to allow immigrants to stay in the United States if it was discovered their papers or passports were falsified. The immigrants would have to prove there was "a credible fear of prosecution" as the reason passports were forged to get out of countries with dictatorships.

    A Sessions' plan was approved that would jail immigrants found to be illegal instead of releasing them pending immigration hearings. He argued many of those released never show up for immigration hearings and disappear. Sessions also won committee endorsement to make it a crime to run a vehicle past a customs checkpoint without stopping.

    Three amendments by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, met no opposition. One would require the Department of Homeland Security to make public foreign ownership of management operations that involve national security as a way to prevent officials being surprised by situations like the Dubai port management controversy.

    A Grassley proposal to allocate more immigration investigators to inland states like Iowa won easy approval. So did one to make immigrants convicted of drunk driving one of the crimes subject to deportation.

    An amendment by Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., extending a law allowing foreign doctors to practice in mainly rural areas with physician shortages, also gained approval.

    And an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., for expedited deportation instead of incarcerating convicted illegal immigrants was also accepted. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex., won approval of his proposal to bar violent criminals from sponsoring foreigners seeking entry into the United States.

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  • ronhira
    07-06 02:32 PM
    Guys for sake of transparency and moving ahead with a change, we should hold elections for the core team. Lobbying efforts are not working at all.

    absolutely, i need to see microsoft projects to keep track of the lobbying project. why can't the current folks show progress as per the microsoft projects plan. after the end of time and budget, we need to see the result in the form of our GC. that's how we do all our projects at work. why is this lobbying thing any different.

    if i can summarize bawa's point, we need to cut all ties with democrats, trash obama repeatedly unless we are sure that we have aligned with sarah palin and we are sure that we have been sidelined for next 8 years. wonderful strategy to ensure 100% failure, i luv it, the change we can believe in.


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  • gauravsh
    03-03 11:34 AM
    what you guys think.
    Will this economy slow down and people returing back to there motherland have any effects on PD?

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  • gc_check
    07-11 12:28 PM

    My wife is on H4 and she has her H4 extension approval. But the local DMV says that they need to see a visa stamp in her passport to issue a DL. Its actually exchanging her out of state DL! Can anyone from NC (Raleigh, Cary, RTP, Durham etc) share their experiences please.

    This was introduced very recently and unfortunately they are asking for a VISA Stamp in Passport. Earlier they were not issuing the DL without an ITIN if you do not have SSN; my wife had to wait for almost a year as you cannot apply for ITIN unless you send the W7 with your tax returns due to new regulations. Now they are NOT concerned on ITIN, but are looking for VISA stamp. Only thing that can be done online in NC with regards to DL is you can get a Duplicate DL online if lost or your address is changed. Try writing to Congressman David Price and see if you can get assist from him. I know this office has helped folks here on Visas before for other issues.


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  • raysaikat
    01-06 11:26 PM
    raysaikat - You must be kidding by trying to prove that you have taught 1000s of Anna/Osmania University students & number of them are bad as you described. You started in 100s & are now talking about thousands and I am sure if this argument continues you would go to even higher numbers just for the heck of proving your point.

    Please read my statements properly. I have taught about 100 (the number of students in my last 5 classes were about 70, 30, 25, 25, 12). My colleagues have been observing the same issues for last 5-7 years when the number of students from India started to surge. The number 1000 is the estimate for over the 5 year period. Both numbers are conservative estimates.

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  • delhirocks
    07-28 06:55 PM
    Are you sure it was Atlanta and not Chicago?. Your timeline suggests it was applied in Chicago.
    My company applied for PERM ALC EB-2 category at Atlanta on 18th June 2007, got it approved on 20th June. Received hard copy on 26th June.

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  • h1b_forever
    08-13 01:47 PM
    1)I disagree with the bill, why should legal employment immigration pay for policing the border. Why only H1 and L1s? Why not other temporary and permanent immigration visas
    Should not they be paying to protect the border first before everything else

    2) Having said that, I cannot disagree with making it difficult for companies which have more than 50 employees with more than 50% on h1/L1. It just does not add up that they cannot employ 50% locals/residents. I would go further and make it really difficult for someone to do this unless they can really prove the need (like in case of EB1)

    I know my opinion will not be popular, but think about it. I can agree they cannot fill all their jobs with locals, but not even 50%, come on some one will have to show me why they can not do that. The only reason I can think of
    1)Their pay will not attract people
    2)They wont pay overtime and make them work like dogs
    3)They come here for a short duration to help outsource the jobs

    06-25 01:06 PM
    Employed based people investments. I think everyone know how employment based people is earning .

    09-25 10:38 PM
    i think AC21 doesnt impose a limit on the number of hops ...

    can u provide source where u saw this?

    i never saw such a limit anywhere but i wouldn't be surprised if frequent job-hops raise red-flags during adjucation.

    i am also interested in the post-AC21 continued employment issue (indianguy's original question)


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